I know she's only seven months old but I feel like she's a completely different baby. Last month she was barely crawling. This month she's jetting all over the place! There are bite marks on pretty much every piece of furniture in our house. A mobile teething baby is a lot like having a puppy: So destructive!

Her weight has gone up considerably. She was teetering on the second percentile at her four month doctor's appointment. Her most recent appointment she was up to the ninth! I know it's still pretty low, but any improvement is a win in my book.

She now eats three solid meals a day with breast feedings in between and at night. She's such a good eater! I make my own organic baby food which is cheaper but very time consuming. If I'm not with Bianca I'm making her food, cleaning the food processor, freezing or defrosting her food, or cleaning up her food mess. I've always looked forward to less breast feedings but I never realized how time consuming it was.

This is less about Bianca but very related to having a baby. If you don't know, hair loss is a very big side effect postpartum. I started losing my hair when Bianca was about three months old. It was coming out in chunks! While it's definitely slowed down, I still find my hair everywhere. Luckily I don't have any bald spots but my hair is at about half its fullness. I did start growing new hair though. There are baby hairs all over my head! It feels really spiky and weird but I'm happy it's coming back.

When it comes to sleeping, she's back in my bed. I felt guilty about this for awhile but I've definitely made peace with it now. Bianca is our only child and I want to enjoy her at this age. We all sleep better when she's with us (except for the occasional slap in the face) and I feel comforted when she's right there. Kevin put her in her crib last week and I seriously couldn't sleep. I just kept checking the video monitor until she woke up at about one in the morning. There will come a day when she'll think I'm uncool and won't want to hang out with me so I'm enjoying the days when I'm her everything :).

Love that smile and those curious eyes! Sounds like you have a healthy, active baby on your hands :)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea about the postpartum hair loss, and it definitely doesn't show in your pictures! I always marvel at how you get your hair to look so stellar, and now I'm even more impressed.
Thanks so much Isabella! It happens to almost all women actually. When you're pregnant you don't lose much hair at all, but afterwards it all comes out at once. It's kind of scary but I'm glad it started growing again!
DeleteOmg what a little doll. That face!!
ReplyDeletexox Sammi
She is seriously the cutest! I am also thankful that you do these because it's nice to see where she's at and get to sort of know her little personality.
ReplyDeleteshe is such a little cutie! i'm glad to hear she's gaining some weight, and it's really awesome that you're taking so much time to make sure she's getting such healthy food by making it yourself. Despite being time consuming, i'm sure her health will be better for it & the days will flow by and in no time she'll be eating solid food : ). And I had no idea about postpartum hair loss either, you hair has always looked as gorgeous as always to me.
ReplyDeleteI know, I'm happy she's starting to get a little chunky! I buy only organic and she gets better food than anyone else in our family. What a lucky girl haha!
DeleteThe last picture is awesome! Haha. Don't feel guilty about letting her sleep in the bed though, MANY breastfeeding moms do it... Myself included. It actually reduces stress for both of you and as a new parent, any added amount of sleep is helpful! She's adorable.
ReplyDelete<3 Kelsey
Chaos Parade
I'm glad I know another co-sleeping momma out there! We all sleep better and it's much more convenient than getting up, feeding, and trying to put her back into her crib. A lot of people don't really understand but I've finally become confident enough in myself to know I've made the right decision.
Deleteenjoy these moments! the teenage years come fast
ReplyDeleteOh my, I don't even want to think about the teenage years! I'm constantly telling her she's not allowed to get bigger :).
DeleteSo adorable. I can't believe how much she has grown. I like to watch that journey on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI love all the monthly updates you do on Bianca's progress. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! All the time spent making food for her
ReplyDeleteis an investment into her health, and you're one amazing mama for it. :)
xo, Serli
She is so adorable! Look at that tiny face! <3
ReplyDeleteWhat great photos of her, so sweet!! Keep the mom/baby stories comin', I love hearing about what to expect :)
ReplyDelete<3 Megan
What a cutie! I can't believe she's 7 months already. That is so great that you're taking the time to make her organic food- sounds like a lot of work, but so worth it!
ReplyDeleteAh she's so cute! That's terrifying about the hair loss though, I had no idea! You'd never know from your lovely outfit pics though - your hair always looks so thick. Glad it's growing back though, for your sake x
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! It was definitely scary at first but it's nice to know that it's all coming back with time :).
Deleteahh she's the cutest! Such a personality! it's been a pleasure seeing her grow :)
ReplyDeleteIDK Ashley..maybe I ended up creeping through your archives. Maybe I made Michael look at all of these pictures of how cute Bianca is. She seriously is the cutest little bbbby.
Amelia Jetson