Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Smiles for Scarlette

I love to use my blog platform as a window into my life.  It's a little more than just documenting my outfits, I enjoy writing about my experience being pregnant, my wedding, and my new life with a baby.  I do my best to keep it positive yet real.  I'm writing this post in the most positive tone I can because our family has been hit with an extremely saddening situation.

My cousin Simone and I got pregnant pretty much at the same time.  I was due January 8th, and she the 9th.  We were both expecting our first girls!  She has a young son already and he was born a few weeks premature but healthy.  We didn't know if Scarlette would make an early appearance like her brother but I'm sure she was preparing for any situation.  Unfortunately, it was nothing any mother could truly expect.

From her donation page:
Scarlette was born with an abnormally large left arm. It measures approximately 3 times the size of her right arm. Currently she has been diagnosed with Hemangioendothelioma (masses made up of over grown veins and arteries), Lipofibromatosis (masses made up of fatty tumors and fibrous material), and a vague diagnosis of Sarcoma (cancer that has yet to be fully diagnosed). Doctors are saying that her case is so rare that books will be written about her!

smiles for scarlette

smiles for scarlette (2)

smiles for scarlette (3)

Scarlette is now five months old and battling cancer.  She's in and out of the hospital and has already had six surgeries in the short time she's been here.  For someone who has to deal with so much, she sure has a cute little smile :).

I'm writing this post not only to raise awareness, but to also raise funds for her massive medical bills.  Simone and her husband Matt need help and I'm doing what I can to spread the word.  If you'd like to know more about her medical conditions and see a bunch of cute pictures, feel free to like her Facebook page HERE.  If you feel inclined to donate, you can do so (any amount will help!) on her donation page HERE.

Here's to hoping we find a cure for little Scarlette!



1 comment:

  1. Thinking of her and the family. This beautiful girl deserves the best and I wish something more could be done for her. Thanks for posting, my heart goes out to her.


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