Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Moment of Truth

I think now is a better time than ever to update you on my life.  Obviously a lot has changed since I had Bianca eleven weeks ago.  Going from a full time surgical tech to a full time mommy has been quite a difference.  Although I spend most of my days at home, I rarely get the same amount of tasks done as I did when I was working.  My life revolves around the needs of my baby, and while some days are much better than others, nothing is guaranteed!

For the last three years blogging has been a huge part of my life.  I've enjoyed showcasing my personal style and my life while getting to know about yours in the process.  Before I was pregnant and while I was living in Los Angeles, I had about four hours a day to focus on my blog.  I could take plenty of pictures, plan my posting schedule, and comment on my favorite blogs with no problem.  My time started diminishing when I moved to the suburbs and had an actual commute to and from work.  Now that I'm a mom I'm lucky if I even get to open my computer. I still get to read blogs thanks to my Bloglovin app, but by no means do I have time for much of anything else.

Initially I was a little depressed with the change.  I've always had a routine and the fact that I could no longer adhere to one was an eye opener.  I loved my three times a week posting schedule and it really bothered me when I didn't meet my personal quota.  I had to do a lot of thinking about what the future of this blog would be and I finally came up with something that would keep me happy.

Basically, I had to let everything go.  I'm not closing this blog, but I'm not going to stress myself to keep it relevant.  If I post three times a week, wonderful!  If I don't get to post at all one week, then no big deal.  I'm just focused on being present in my life outside the computer and enjoying these times with Bianca.  I still read blogs everyday (breastfeeding is the perfect time to do so) and keep myself in the know because I really enjoy that.  But I'm giving myself a lot of slack when it comes to updating here.

Until this mom thing gets a little easier (and she actually starts taking longer naps) I'll be posting here when I can.  So here's to going out and enjoying my life as a first time mom!  Hope you'll be able to stick with me during the process :)



P.S. I couldn't leave this without posting a few pictures of Bianca!






  1. she is such a little cutie pie!! i esp love the first pic of her. does your hubs have red hair in his family? i sometimes had to do that w/ full-time work & full-time school, so I can def understand the need when you have a little creature that needs your attention all the time & think you made a great choice. I'll look forward to updates whenever you can : ).

    1. You're the best Dus! I'm glad you can relate. Haha, we don't have red hair in our family but my husband's dad was Scottish. She definitely has some red in there!

  2. yes...and bianca definitely deserves your time. i totally feel you...wait till you have TWO kids, lol! i can't seem to get anything done these days and often feel overwhelmed. best to you...

  3. You are so right to take the time to enjoy her. Blogs will always be there, but your baby only grows up once.


  4. I like how Suzanne put it!

    Family and, well, YOU too definitely need to be first. I will miss seeing all your outfits because I love them and love hearing about your life, but way more important to not be stressing about the blog, especially since it is a hobby.

  5. Ha I understand your thoughts..I didn't post everyday to begin with..but I definitely had more time to post and comment on my fave posts...but thank goodness for bloglovin app!!! Keeps me up to date (kinda if I have time)...but then I forget to post...or comment. Think of it like this...Blogging is a hobby not a chore/job :-)

  6. I totally understand why you feel the need to step back a bit from the blog. I honestly don't know how people manage to work full time, have a family, keep a regular posting schedule AND read/comment on other blogs. It's crazy, I tell ya!

    I'm happy to continue following along, regardless of your schedule. I'm also an Instagram follower (jackmise) and I love seeing pictures of Bianca. She's adorable!!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  7. I completely understand where you're coming from and I'm so happy that you've come to peace with it! Blogging shouldn't feel like an obligation, so I love that you have turned a new leaf. I'm happy that you aren't shutting down altogether because I'd really miss you! I'll still look forward to your blog posts and seeing pictures of precious Bianca! xo

  8. Enjoy this time! It won't last long before she starts growing up incredibly fast! We're still reading! :)

  9. Enjoy your time away :) It'll help you relax and you'll also probably get some fresh, new motivation! Have fun being Mommy. Hope to hear from you again soon.

    xo Ashley

  10. You should definitely take the time to be with your little cutie. I know how it is to stress yourself out because you feel like there is this expectation for your blog to be updated a certain amount of times a week, but sometimes life just doesn't call for it. And it's completely understandable now that you are a mommy! :) Enjoy it all and don't be too hard on yourself!

  11. I think it's important to not stress yourself out over your blog. It's a hobby after all, right? I think anyone that forces blogging ends up feeling like a forced blogger. It's evident. Being a mother is NUMBER ONE! Don't let the internet convince you that it's possible to be a super human mother that can tackle everything in the entire world. Those ladies that manage to do that are a) delusional b) probably have a nanny. Being consistent in blogging is great when you first start out, but honestly, you probably want/need/deserve a break. If you think of some of the biggest bloggers out there Wish Wish Wish or Keiko Lynn -- they both update whenever they want. There seems to be no schedule and yet they are still relevant. I know a few "mommy" bloggers Forever House (her husband is a singer I love) & I Am Emme (my brothers wife) -- both of which are able to have full time jobs, blogs, and a life -- but they don't get all Bleu Bird Vintage about it, ya' know? My point: you'll find your balance. You will get a rhythm. You will discover ultimately what your main goal is with this blog and it will all be GREAT. Plus Bianca is also really young which is probably stressing you out more, but once she's older you will be able to do more. If I were in California, I'd be your photographer/baby sitter and it would be awesome!

  12. I definitely understand! No need to pressure yourself. It's unnecessary. We'll be here and when you have time to get back on the schedule you want, you'll do that. I know how stressful blogging can be when there's not much time in your life - even if it's stress you put on yourself. Enjoy your time with Bianca! You'll figure it all out eventually!


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