Monday, January 14, 2013

Sweet Thing


I know it sounds kind of lame, but I'm proud to show you another remix from my closet.  Since I've decided to stop being obsessed with showcasing my entire closet before showing repeats, I've had so much fun putting outfits together.  Although the last time I wore this top I paired it with different red skirt.  I guess I just love the blue/red combo :).





Top- Forever 21 (remixed)
Skirt- Modcloth
Shoes- Urban Outfitters
Ring- Forever 21
Bag- Ruche (remixed)

I've been going through a "no accessory" phase lately.  There were times that I couldn't go a day without wearing a bunch of jewelry or hair accessories.  Maybe I'm being lazy, but I'm lucky if I leave the house with my engagement ring!  I can't help it, I tend to be really forgetful.  Plus I'm not used to having to wear jewelry.  I hope that in time it can become part of my daily routine.  Until then, I'll be relying on my ring insurance!



Update: I just found out I don't have ring insurance.... Ummm I should probably be more careful then!


  1. And I love the blue-red combo on you! That polka dot print is just fabulous <3

    Trendy Teal

  2. This is such an adorable outfit! I never really wore rings before my engagement ring but I am so used to wearing it now. You'll get used to it and soon it'll be weird if you don't have it on :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Datevitation Giveaway!

  3. love your shoes and nail polish!

  4. Adorable skirt and polka dot blouse, looks so cute together!

  5. I really love blue and red together, and this is such a great combination of the two. That polka dot blouse is gorgeous and I love the skirt. I can be super forgetful like that too, except I feel so naked without jewellery!!

  6. I love the red and blue together. Love the polka dots with the stripes in the skirt, you look so pretty!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  7. Love the bold combo of stripes and dots, and the colors look so good with your hair! I have been thinking of going red, but I'm not sure yet! Hope you had a great weekend!
    xo Hannah

  8. This is such a cute outfit! I love how you combined the different patterns and colors!

  9. hi sweetie, great blog :)
    just found you, following now.
    hope you do the same!
    kisses :)

  10. amazing look, dear! :) I'm in love with your style :)

  11. I don't have ring insurance either! I left mine at home ALL day yesterday. And worse I didn't even know where it was. Need to get ring insurance ASAP. But you will get used to wearing the ring. Yesterday without it I literally felt naked. It was so weird.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the look! I need you to come help me plan outfits :)


  12. I'm so happy you like this movie as much as me!<3 The realism with which it portrays the story is incredible. That's why I like it.
    I love your nails! Nails can be a great accessory too ;)

    Have a nice day,

  13. I need to do more remixing too, and less shopping! I remix all the time in real life but I hesitate to post a lot of repeats on my blog. I've decided that 2013 will be the year that I officially get over it!

    Anyway, I love this look! That top is just so cute and the skirt you paired it with gives it a kind of retro vibe...adorable!

  14. I love wearing polka dots with red- no matter what color the dots are! This outfit looks great!

  15. I love your powder blue bag, it's too cute for Spring!


  16. Ooh, I love this combination! The blue polka dots and red skirt look so cute together, I don't blame you for repeating the combination. I'm sad we didn't get to get together too :( The holidays are so hectic, summer will be much easier!

  17. This is a very bold and bright and beautiful combination! It's hard to see red, white and blue together and not cringe for America, but I absolutely love it on you. I think the bold patterns help. I'm impressed with your remixing and isn't it just the best feeling when it suddenly hits you that an item has more worth than the original wear? It's an easy thing to forget.

    I hope you're careful with your ring or that at the very least you get insurance.

  18. i like the mix of dots and stripes...and the cute gold tips on your bag! YES, do be careful with that ring, lol!!

  19. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THIS LOOK! Adore the mix of stripes and dots! And love it even more with your vibrant hair, it gives it a sassy throw-back retro look which I entirely adore<333

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  20. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. I love vintage styles! Where in So Cal are you from? I'm from Los Angeles.

    I'm following! Nice to meet you!


  21. I do love the bright colours with your hair. I dyed mine bright red a couple of days ago so it's going to be fun looking at clothes to match it.

    I hope that you don't lose your ring! I wear mine every day because I feel a bit naked without it now, but then I like to take it off and spin it round and fiddle with it when I'm thinking. I am so terrified I am going to leave it somewhere one day because it is the most beautiful thing I own.

    Also, I can't believe you are getting married so soon and are so calm about it in your posts! I had no idea it was so soon until your comment on my origami post. I am sure when it is that close for me I'll be freaking out about how much there is to do! :)

  22. Ash, this outfit has the 60's vibe, love that pattern and colour combo so much :-)

  23. Agreed! This color combo is just fabulous and I love the mix of dots and stripes... you look fantastic!

    Pearls & Paws

  24. Love that bag! You look beautiful!

    (Just tried to leave a comment several times and have trouble due to my arch nemesis- the captcha, would you ever consider disabling yours? It sure would make commenting easier!)

  25. You're becoming my icon for the best print & pattern mixing....great job here!!!


  26. LOVE this!!! I saw it on the Modcloth style gallery and wanted to snag that little skirt up in a heartbeat. Of course...I must practice restraint :-) The polka dot top and all the colors together are just so pretty.

    Yesterday was the first day in a while I didn't accessorize (besides wearing a hat). I think with outfits as perfect as this really don't need all the extra jewelry and such.

    xo Marisa

  27. You look wonderful, accessories or not! I love the skirt and shoes!

  28. I never take my wedding ring off, and for a long time, not my engagement ring (my engagement ring is messed up in shape from resizing down a lot so .. its' like IMPOSSIBLE to get over my knuckle.) I love the red skirt with the polka dots - and that bag! So cute

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  29. That is a beautiful outfit! I love your top and skirt, so pretty! :D The patterns and colors are gorgeous!

  30. That purse is so sweet - I love the color with the gold detailing!

  31. Those colors are popping! stunning as always

  32. Haha I forgot my ring all the time when I was first engaged! Now I feel naked without it. You'll get there. I'm not a big accessory girl either. I love the red and blue combo! And you combined stripes and polka dots! That top is too cute!

  33. I LOVE that skirt with that top - you look SO cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  34. Oh, golly! I love this combo of red, white and blue. It such a strong and bold combination and the polka dots give it just a touch of a retro feeling!

    I'm always rather worried about losing it or it falling down a drain or something like that, so I've been pretty good at remembering to wear my ring. This it probably the surprise of the century, but then it hasn't been that long...gulp!

  35. Love this combination! Looks great on you :) xx, Nadine


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