Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sprig Has Sprung

Bernie Dexter Modcloth Sprig Has Sprung Dress 010

This dress is definitely out of my comfort zone.  The neckline is not something I'm normally attracted to but the print of the dress was just to cute to pass up.  I hadn't worn it yet, but it was 109 degrees on Tuesday so I thought it was best to wear these "summer" dresses now.  I'm looking forward to cooler weather so I can actually put together my outfits.  I feel so uninspired right now but I would be miserable layering anything at the moment.  My cardigans and tights are dying to make a comeback!

Bernie Dexter Modcloth Sprig Has Sprung Dress 003

Bernie Dexter Modcloth Sprig Has Sprung Dress

Bernie Dexter Modcloth Sprig Has Sprung Dress 015

Bernie Dexter Modcloth Sprig Has Sprung Dress 020

Shoes- Iron Fist
Belt- Forever 21

The other bad thing about this crazy heat: ant infestations.  Kevin and I have been trying to keep them out of our house but we are totally outnumbered.  I don't really like to kill anything (except spiders) but these ants are too much.  I even had ant bites on my foot!  More than anything, I'm scared they will hurt my dogs or Bianca.  So until we get it under control I'm going to feel a little uneasy.

On Sunday I'm saying goodbye to my friend Helena.  She's moving to San Francisco for a new job.  I'm sad because I'll miss her and I'm jealous because I want to go too!  I've been instructed that I need to come dressed as her so I need to break out some super high heels, my teasing comb, and the biggest bow I own.  I'll make sure to post some photos to my Instagram!




  1. I've never really been drawn to this particular Bernie dress either, but I actually really love the neckline on you. And omg....... I cannot wait to see you dressed up as Helena. Omg. I also want to hear the deets about her job b/c I adore her.

    xox Sammi

    1. I think I need to buy an extra can of hair spray to get her hairstyle perfect! I'll be sharing the info with you this weekend :)

  2. Your post-baby bod is looking amazing! What are your secrets? You should do a workout post!

    1. I hate to sound like a humble bragging douche, but I haven't had time to work out! I think most of the weight loss is from breastfeeding. She eats solids but I breastfeed many times a day. Now that she crawls I have to chase her around a lot, that counts as cardio right? And I think it's also genes. My mom had four kids and she looks amazing.

      That being said, I look forward to the day I get to do yoga again. I was very into yoga before I had Bianca. Once she's a year old I think I'll join a studio again :).

  3. I hear you on the heat. It's still hot here in Texas and we probably won't get any cool weather until October! I went to New England last week and it was such a dream getting to experience temperatures below 70 degrees! I already miss it, haha!

    I've also been having bug problems here at my house... I wish it was ants, but nope. it's cockroaches >__< I can't kill them because they scare me too much lol. I know, I'm a wuss!

    Rachel Lately | Austin Style Blog

  4. I'm with you on that! I feel ~blah~ just wearing a dress and I would love the weather to cool down to actually layer up. This heat has got to go already!

    You look super gorgeous in that dress :D

  5. I love how you did your hair and how well it matches with this dress. When I first saw the outfit oh IG, I thought that the neckline was a sweater that you tied around your neck and thought, "darn, is it that cold in LA right now?"

    You looks super cute, as always!


  6. At first I thought you were wearing one of those thin scarves that are just now coming into trendiness, but I love the fact that the neckline looks like that. It makes it look like you have a cardigan draped over yourself and tied at the neck.

    Another Beautiful Thing

  7. we've been having ridiculous heat here, too. what's worse is the high humidity. you get sticky just sitting still! it's a dramatic neckline especially in that contrasting black...i think it's good to try different things. you look great as always.

  8. I LOVE this look! To me, this dress is classic Ashley but with a psychedelic twist. As you know, I'm a fan of milkmaid braids, and they look awesome with your bangs. I understand your frustration with the heat, I'll admit I'm glad it's started to cool down in NY already. Good luck with the ants, that's no fun! I look forward to seeing your Helena outfit!


  9. You look fan-freakin-tastic in this dress!! I feel like only a few people can pull off such a bold style, and you're totally one of them.

    I can't believe how hot it still is out where you live! You must sweat just looking at sweaters these days.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  10. cute dress!! and oh those annoying ants! We used to get them this time of year in San Francisco as well. lots of home remedies you can use.... they hate cinnamon and cucumbers. I know people that shake a bit of cinnamon on their path and it does it .... others that will put cumbers around where they are coming inside.

  11. I love that neckline, actually! It's a really pretty, interesting detail, and I think it's very flattering on you. I love the colors as well, it looks like a great dress for surviving late summer heat.
    The apartment I live in now was infested with ants when I moved in, but we found where they were coming in and left some tuna nearby to attract them away from it. It actually worked pretty well, I haven't really seen them since.

  12. You look great in this, kudos for stepping out and trying something new! Dang, 109, that's even hot to me in SC! I'm ready to start layering too.


  13. Ugh...that heat sounds AWFUL. I'm normally not attracted to these sorts of necklines either (big boobs + no shoulder straps = potential disaster), though if it is a halter then that's a different story. look lovely, as always. :)

  14. I said almost exactly the same thing about the heat in my post today! I figured I might as well just wear my super summery outfits even though all I want to do is wear tights and cardigans! Anyway, I love the unique neckline on this dress. Sometimes it's good to switch things up even if it requires a less comfortable bra situation! I think this looks wonderful on you.

    Jamie |

  15. I can't see any issues with this neckline at all - I actually think the fact it's so unusual is helping to add something extra to your outfit, who needs tights and cardigans?! (Unfortunately, I do, as we do not have the heat problem here!) The dress is still very flattering on you and once again, admiring how well you've matched a print to your hair ;) nothing less than perfection, as usual! x

  16. i think the neckline add bonus to the dress..the dress is so cute on you..

    xo josephine c.

  17. I love the neckline! It's so unique! I thought it was a sweater at first too, until you mentioned the neckline :) Saying goodbye to friends is the worst and I feel like I always have someone close to me moving. Phoenix is such a transient city sometimes. Hopefully you will be able to visit each other a lot!

  18. I absolutely love this neckline on you! You look amazing and should definitely wear it more often ;). I hope it cools down for you guys soon and that you get those pesky ants under control. That sounds super frustrating.


  19. This is one of my favourites ever. The pattern is amazing and the colour scheme is perfect.

  20. So, I can see why the neckline was out of your comfort zone. It looks like a very unique/unusual neckline/straps....BUT this is fantastic on you. The color and pattern are fun and I do like how unique the staps are.

  21. That dress is so fun and perfect with the cateye sunnies!



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