Thursday, May 21, 2015


I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to wearing my vintage pieces.  I love that it could possibly be one of a kind and has a story behind it.  I also hate feeling like I have to be extra careful when wearing it.  My love almost always overcomes the hate and I wear it out regardless.  This dress is so beautiful it almost makes me want to cry.  The pastel color and the tiny feminine details really embody my style.  Therefore, it deserves to be worn on the regular.  I may not take it to the playground with Bianca, but it doesn't hang in my closet and collect dust.  It's all about happy mediums!

Geronimo Vintage dress

Geronimo Vintage dress

Geronimo Vintage dress

Geronimo Vintage dress

Geronimo Vintage dress

Shoes- Sidecca

Kevin and I booked our first long weekend family getaway!  We haven't been on vacation since 2012 and I'm excited to go on our first trip with Bianca and the dogs.  We've already planned to go to a concert and do a bit of wine tasting.  I'm just happy that we will be together and make some new memories as a family.  It's not until summer but I'm already counting the days!




  1. Beautiful colour and style, I love it.

  2. You look beautiful, as always! Love this dress, so perfect (I am jealous!). I completely agree with you about wearing my vintage. I still love vintage in theory (and especially aesthetically), but always find it takes so much extra care and concentration to maintain. I've spent so much extra time and money on special cleaning, mending, et cetera.

  3. Obsessing over this gorgeous dress and how wonderful you look in it! I'm on a mission to find a twinsie dress <3

    xox Sammi

  4. A family vacation- how special!

    I feel the same way about vintage and your lovely outfit just reminds me to wear my own vintage out more too.

  5. I am the same way with my vintage pieces!! I am always a bit nervous wearing them. I fear it will be my last every time - you never know when something will tear or rip! In the end, we're probably being too careful but they're just too pretty to let go of if it happened!

  6. the color, the dress absolutely stunning !


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