Thursday, January 8, 2015

Twelve Months

Is it weird that I have tears in my eyes as I write this?  I can't believe it's been an entire year with this little nugget.  She's changed my life so much.  I remember mothers telling me how different your life becomes after you have a child and that you truly don't understand that kind of love until you do... And I would give a major eye roll.  As annoying as those comments are, they're absolutely true.  Having a baby is all about giving a part of yourself for the well being of someone else.  As someone who can admit to being a pretty selfish person in the past, Bianca has changed me for the better.  Now I can't even picture my life without her!

Bianca 12 months

Just like last month, Bianca has been on the move!  She falls a lot less these days and can walk much faster.  I might even say she runs!  She's also getting adjusted to walking in shoes.  She doesn't wear them very often so she looks like a little baby deer when she has her little ugg boots on.

Bianca 12 months

Because she's been so focused on walking she's been a little stunted in the vocabulary area.  She talks all the time but in her own gibberish language.  She does say dada a lot, that's about as sophisticated as it gets.  She's great at understanding us when we talk though.  At least she knows when I don't want her to do something.  Whether she chooses to listen is another story...

Bianca 12 months

Bianca is now completely on solids.  I still make her pureed food, but only because that's the only form of vegetable she will take.  Much like her parents, she enjoys a lot of "bad" food but compliments it with fruits and veggies.  I'm still breastfeeding, but only 2-3 times a day.  I'm hoping to have her completely off breast milk in a few weeks!

Bianca 12 months

Now for the most exciting news: Bianca now sleeps in her crib!  Both at night and for naps.  I really enjoyed co-sleeping, but I never realized how little sleep both she and I were getting.  Now that she has her own space to sleep it seems like she's much more rested in the morning.  I'm still adjusting to sleeping more than 2-3 hours uninterrupted, hopefully I'll start to enjoy the solid nights of sleep Bianca is giving me these days.

Bianca 12 months

These monthly updates have been such a joy.  I frequently look back at the younger months and can't believe I ever had a baby that small.  Now that she's moved into toddler mode, I'll probably update every six months or so.  Of course, you can always find super cute pictures of her on my Instagram too!  Thanks so much for reading my journey into mommyhood.  It's a bittersweet goodbye but I'm excited for our future together with a toddler :).




  1. She really is adorable - what amazing eyes she has, completely full of expression and so blue! I always think the most fun bit of being a new parent must be the toddler stage where they start to become a little person who can do lots of the things you can. It surely outweighs the tantrums ;) CC x

  2. oh, hello Little B! Wow a full year, which it seems, there are more joys than perils. Happy birthday wishes to her! xo

    ♥ // Chymere A.

  3. She is so adorable with her little crown!

  4. She is a mini you! Adorable : )


  5. Happy Birthday to your little one...I definitely agree...where did the time go. Oh man and she is walking...heehee watch out soon you will be chasing her lol think of it as your workout of the day!

  6. Congrats! she is growing so fast and is so cute!!

  7. I can't believe she is one year old already. She is adorable and a real credit to you.

  8. These posts are like seeing someone's baby book and will be things both she and you and your husband look back on. Love that.

  9. Happy birthday to Bianca! What cute, chubby little cheeks. It's really lovely to hear someone's positive experiences of motherhood - the more ambivilent pieces that I've been reading lately make me kind of nervous.
    But I swear, every time I see pictures of other people's cute children, my ovaries start jumping up and down and demanding attention...
    Jessica, Zella Maybe

  10. She is so cute in these pictures, especially that second one. It's so nice that you get to look back at these pictures and see her monthly progress from baby to toddler. I know I always say this but, she just keeps getting cuter! And you are such a great mommy to her :).

    xo, Serli


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