Thursday, February 10, 2011

Achieving a yoga body

While it can be considered difficult, I feel like yoga has so many more benefits than sweating it out at the gym.  I have had a gym membership for years and pretty much hated going every single time.  While there are many different machines and classes there, nothing beats the idea of rolling out my sticky mat in my apartment and working out from home. 

I became interested in yoga when I noticed my cable "On Demand" system had a few videos in their archive.  The first time I tried it I enjoyed it because it didn't really feel like I was working out... Until the next morning.  Every muscle in my body was sore!  So I kept playing those videos.  Every day.  After a few weeks I started realizing my muscles getting lean and defined, and any problem areas getting smaller.  Plus my flexibility had greatly increased and much of my stress had melted away.  It was amazing!

The more interested I became, the more I understood the concept of the practice.  Most of the practice is your breath, and how guiding your breath can push your body to the next level physically.  It also incorporates poses and stretches to help detoxify your body and engage muscles you probably never use.

There are also several types of yoga.  Some people enjoy a cool down relaxing type of practice.  Others enjoy the intense cardio kind.  There's even "hot yoga" for those who really like to sweat it out and make the most of their workout.  I personally like my cardio style yoga, but depending on the day I switch from time to time.

Diet is also a crucial part to any type of weight loss regimen. Thankfully I have a physical trainer/yoga enthusiast sister to point me in the right direction.  She introduced me to the book The Yoga Body Diet.  Not only does it have recipes, it also informs you what type of yoga your body most benefits from, as well as workout plans.  It's my yoga bible!  If you are interested in reading more about this book, click here.

I hope I've given you a little look into the yoga way.  I haven't been back to the gym since I've started yoga, and I've never looked better!  Who knew something you like so much could actually be good for you...



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